Research and Education Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine Cochrane Russia of the Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology at the Kazan Federal University (including Coordinating hub of Cochrane Russia – the Russian Branch of the Nordic Cochrane Centre) and international researchers from Cochrane Austria and Cochrane Nordic invite you to participate in the two day workshop «Cochrane systematic reviews: from protocol to review - logistics and challenges».
This event is a continuation of a series of training workshops on the development of the Cochrane systematic reviews launched in 2015 and intended for health professionals, researchers, academics, teachers and others, willing to become actively involved in the work of Cochrane, willing to commit to development of Cochrane systematic reviews as authors or peer reviewers, and to Cochrane activities in Russia.
We present to you the foreign speakers / tutors of the seminar, who confirmed their participation:
Course Faculty:
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Dr Gerald Gartlehner, Director of Cochrane Austria, Department for Evidence-Based Medicine and Clinical Epidemiology, Danube University Krems (Krems, Austria) |
Dr Matteo Bruschettini, Director of Cochrane Sweden, Senior Consultant Neonatologist, Department of Paediatrics, Lund University, Skåne University Hospital (Lund, Sweden) | |
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Barbara Nussbaumer-Streit, Associate Director of Cochrane Austria, Department for Evidence-Based Medicine and Clinical Epidemiology, Danube University Krems (Krems, Austria) |
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Elena Vladimirovna Verbitskaya, PhD, Associate professor, Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Evidence-Based Medicine, Department of pharmacoepidemiology and biomedical statistics, Head, Institute of Pharmacology named after A.V. Waldman, St. Petersburg State Medical University named after I.P. Pavlov |
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Lilia Eugenevna Ziganshina, MD, PhD, DSci (Med), Professor, Director Cochrane Russia (Russian Branch of the Nordic Cochrane Centre), Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russian Federation. |
Outline of the days will include: systematic literature search, selecting studies, data extraction, risk of bias assessment, meta-analysis, assessment of heterogeneity, quality of evidence assessment, use of supporting software (Covidence and RevMan).
Requirements to the school/workshop participants: The workshop is open to people who have good enough command of English and are prepared to learn and able to dedicate their time to Cochrane work and activities.
Kazan Federal University, Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology, Research and Education Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine Cochrane Russia
74 Karl Marx Street / 8 Shmidta Street / 9 Parizhskoy Kommuny Street
420008, Russian Federation
Dates and time of the workshop: October 27-28, 2017, 9.00 - 17.00