The school/workshop:
«Cochrane systematic reviews: first steps from registering the title to the protocol drafting» – two training days
Research and Education Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine «Cochrane Russia» of the Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology at the Kazan Federal University (including Coordinating hub of Cochrane Russia – the Russian Branch of the Nordic Cochrane Centre) and the leading researchers of Cochrane Collaboration invite you to participate in these two training days. The school/workshop is intended for health professionals, researchers, academics, teachers and others, willing to become actively involved in the work of the Cochrane Collaboration, willing to commit to development of Cochrane systematic reviews as authors or peer reviewers, and to Cochrane activities in Russia.
Places are limited (15 participants maximum).
Cochrane Workshop:
Cochrane systematic reviews: first steps from registering the title to the protocol drafting
Cochrane Russia, Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia
8-9 September, 2016; 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Course Faculty:
Karsten Jorgensen, MD, DrMedSci, Chief Physician, Deputy Director, The Nordic Cochrane Centre,Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark. | |
Elena Vladimirovna Verbitskaya, PhD, Associate professor, Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Evidence-Based Medicine, Department of pharmacoepidemiology and biomedical statistics, Head, Institute of Pharmacology named after A.V. Waldman, St. Petersburg State Medical University named after I.P. Pavlov | |
MD, Ph.D, MScD, Visiting researcher at CHBG Denmark; Research Department of innovation therapy, Head, First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov | |
Lilia Eugenevna Ziganshina, MD, PhD, DSci (Med), Professor, Director Cochrane Russia (Russian Branch of the Nordic Cochrane Centre), Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russian Federation. |
Outline of two days will include:
Scoping the research question: defining the question of a Cochrane systematic review and wording the title
Literature searching
Formulating eligibility criteria for research evidence
Methodology planning
Working through title registration process
Protocol drafting
Date: 8-9 September 2016
Time: 9.00am - 5.00pm
The aim of the school/workshop is to provide methodological support to potential authors of Cochrane systematic reviews, particularly researchers, for the first time planning to develop a Cochrane systematic review, to help participants in title registration and drafting of a Cochrane systematic review protocol.
Requirements to the school/workshop participants: The workshop is open to people who have good enough command of English and are prepared to learn and able to dedicate their time to Cochrane work and activities.
The course material for this workshop is the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions.
We advise to read in advance “Users' Guides to the Medical Literature” by Gordon Guyatt, Drummond Rennie, Maureen O. Meade, and Deborah J. Cook at JAMAevidence Using Evidence to Improve Care: http://jamaevidence.mhmedical.com/book.aspx?bookID=847
When registering, please provide a brief CV/summary (see attached file) and a letter of motivation and send it by e-mail to: cochrane.russia.kpfu@gmail.com
The rationale behind and the main characteristics of a Cochrane title and a Cochrane protocol will be discussed at the workshop. We have allotted enough time of both training days to individual work with participants on their ideas and drafts for potential title and protocol development.
Deadline for registration is 10 days prior to the date of the school/workshop.
A minimum of five participants is required to complete the school/workshop.
Kazan Federal University, Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology, Research and Education Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine "Cochrane Russia"
74 Karl Marx Street / 8 Shmidta Street
420008, Russian Federation
Registration fee: 500 roubles
Banking details:
Получатель Recipient | ФГАОУВПО «Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет» |
ИНН/КПП INN (Taxpayer Identification Number)/KPP (Tax Registration Reason Code) | 1655018018/165501001
Р/с settlement account | 40503810100024000001
К/с Correspondent Account | 30101810000000000805
Банк получателя Beneficiary's Bank | ПАО «АК БАРС» БАНК, г. Казань |
БИК BIC (Bank Identification Code) | 049205805
Назначение платежа (Purpose of payment) | Оргвзнос для участия в школе/семинаре: «Кокрейновские систематические обзоры: первые шаги от регистрации названия до разработки протокола» |
For further information please contact Ekaterina Yudina at cochrane.russia.kpfu@gmail.com