Cochrane and MAGIC are delighted to announce the launch of an official partnership, aimed at supporting and further strengthening the use of health evidence within the context of a digital and trustworthy evidence ecosystem for health care.
MAGIC (formally known as the MAking GRADE the Irresistible Choice (MAGIC) organization) is a non-profit research and innovation programme set up to make evidence summaries and recommendations that work for clinicians at the point of care and to facilitate shared decision-making with patients. Established in 2010, the MAGIC project has, among a number of other initiatives, developed the MAGICapp, a web-based platform for preparing guidelines using structured data systems and validated methods.
Cochrane and MAGIC wish to continue a history of working together by establishing a formal partnership to harmonize the flow of data from systematic reviews to guidelines development and decision support systems. To this end, the organizations have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to structure and focus our collaborative work for the next three years.
Mark Wilson, Cochrane CEO, said: ‘We are delighted to be deepening our relationship with MAGIC through this new partnership. Cochrane and MAGIC share a passion for innovation, collaboration and commitment to making health and healthcare evidence more accessible and usable. I’m excited that by working more closely with MAGIC over the coming years we can extend the reach and influence of Cochrane evidence from individual patients to international health policy makers.’
Per Olav Vandvik, MAGIC Project Leader, concurred: ‘This partnership agreement recognizes the many areas of current and potential collaboration that MAGIC and Cochrane share. We look forward to working more closely together to help shape the future of the evidence ecosystem.’