Counting down to Cochrane’s first ever Virtual Colloquium #CochraneSantiago - how you can join!

It’s only a few days away - Virtual #CochraneSantiago

Next week is our first Virtual Colloquium and we are delighted to showcase the fabulous work of hundreds of Cochrane contributors.

We look forward to welcoming you Monday 2 December - Friday 6 December and here’s more information on how you can take part and hopefully answer some of your questions:

How do I access Virtual #CochraneSantiago content?

All content will be available on the Colloquium website!  At the top of the home page, there is a menu-tab for each day of the Virtual Colloquium with that day’s theme. On each daily page, you can scroll through to find Special Content (Special and Plenary-style presentations), links to Related Content, highlighted categories of daily Oral Presentations and Posters, and information about how to join the conversation on social media across our SEVEN platforms. Take a look at the content now and check back daily next week.

Do I need to register for the Virtual #CochraneSantiago Colloquium?

No, it’s just about selecting what you want to see and hear. All Virtual Colloquium content is free, open to all, and hosted on the Colloquium website. You will not need to login or need to have a Cochrane ‘account’ to access the content, either. The more global participation, the better!

When will Special Content videos premiere?

Each day, all Special Content videos will premiere at 10:00 Toronto time/12:00 Chilean time/15:00 GMT on YouTube. During the premiering of the video, you can watch on the video’s YouTube page and participate in the live chat happening at the same time. You can go to the daily menu-tabs on the Colloquium website and see what we have planned and even set personal reminders in your YouTube account so that you are notified when they go live. If you are not able to see it at this exact time, no problem, you can watch it any time after it premieres on YouTube or when it’s embedded under the daily menu-tabs on the Colloquium website.

How can I see Colloquium posters and oral presentations?

We have about 180 digital posters and over 100 oral presentations to share with you! Starting on Monday 2 December, all oral presentations will be available here and virtual posters will be available here. You can sort through these pages by abstract category, or scroll through them all! These are also linked on the Colloquium homepage in the Menu “Presentations”, and certain categories of posters and oral presentations will be highlighted for each themed day.

Is there any truly ‘live’ Colloquium content?

Yes! If you are a Cochrane Member, Cochrane’s Annual General Meeting will be held live on Thursday, December 5, from 09:00-10:00 GMT. To register for this live meeting and find out about voting, visit here.

Join the conversation!

As you take part in this unique week of Virtual #CochraneSantiago content, we want to hear from you! We have 40+ International Content Creators who will be actively discussing our content each day and our #CochraneSantiago hashtag will be abuzz on Twitter, Instagram, and other platforms. You can also join the YouTube chat for the launch of Special Content videos. Make your voice heard and help make this Virtual Colloquium as interactive as possible. Finally, a survey will be posted on the Colloquium website and social media on the final day, we will collect your feedback so please get involved and share! Our Virtual Colloquium format is a first for Cochrane, and we want to hear what you think!

See you in just a few days….

Wednesday, November 27, 2019